We need all Canadians to know about Ringette – to know what a fantastic game it is and how participants and families become part of a dynamic and proud ringette community.
Ringette Ontario recently released some great videos to help promote the sport. A link to them is here:
Please have a look at them and share them with family, friends and acquaintances.
This January the National Ringette School was proud to give out 5000 zipper pulls to teams across the country. We hope that everyone who received them will proudly wear them on their jackets! We hope that they help to spread the word about this great sport.
Now we want to do something more. Working with the Ringette Store, we are going to create a 16-month calendar. It will cover from September 2018 to December 2019. It will feature some of the best Ringette action shots and Ringette “moments” that we can find. The calendar will go on sale towards the end of June. Our hope is that these calendars will be proudly displayed at home and at work and that they will prompt conversations about the sport!
How will we find those photographs? Through a contest that is being launched today.
Please send us your “best pics” with a brief description of what is depicted and what each photo means to you. It can be an action shot, it can be a heart warming photo, it can be anything that says “This is Ringette”. We will select the 16 best photographs we receive and use them to create the calendar. As we receive these photos we will post them to our Facebook page so that others can see them and make comments. Everyone is limited to no more than three submissions. Entries must be received by no later than June 11, 2018. (We will need to ensure that the participants in the photos are okay with them being used in the calendar).
Help us get the word out. Please forward this link to your friends and teammates from this past season.
**The photographers who have their photo selected will receive a “#1 Ringette Photographer” clothing package (hoodie and t-shirt) along with a free calendar and, most importantly, credit in the calendar for the photo used.**
To view some of the submissions received thus far click here:
Photos can be sent to questions@nationalringetteschool.com. National Ringette School
(403) 284-5161
(403) 284-5161 |questions@nationalringetteschool.com