Ringette Fast Facts
Ringette History
Did you know.. ?
- Ringette is a Canadian invention
- Ringette was invented in 1963, in North Bay, Ontario by Sam Jacks, the same person who introduced floor hockey to the world (1936)
- As of Nov 2018, Canada-wide there are currently over 31,000 thousand registered players on over 2100 teams.
- There are over 1,500 ringette officials registered in Canada
- Over 8,000 men and women coach ringette across Canada
- Although Ringette is predominantly played by females, over 700 males also participate across the country.
- Ringette is played world-wide in countries including Canada, Finland, Sweden, the United States, Japan, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, France, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic – and the sport continues to grow.
- Since 1990 a world ringette championship has been held every year
- Canada and Finland hold the record number of championships
- There is a ringette Hall of Fame recognizing outstanding achievement in the sport and contributions to its development
- The Canada Winter Games have hosted a ringette tournament since 1991
- Since 1971 a Canadian Ringette Championship has taken place across the country