Aug 17 to 18, 2019
Flames Community Arenas, Calgary, AB
TO REGISTER: click here and scroll down
The focus of the National Ringette School’s 3 on 3 Tournament is for the participants to have the opportunity to play with new people from various locations, associations and age groups.
- Each participant will have the opportunity to play in a minimum of 7, 35-minute games, over two days.
- Participants register on an individual basis and are then placed on teams by the Tournament Director.
- National Ringette School does not offer childcare/supervision of participants in between their game times.
- Parents will be asked to volunteer to help “coach” their child’s team, which includes opening the gates on the benches, ensuring equal playing time and that all participants are having fun! We will also be asking for parent volunteers to help operate the score clock.
Aug 17 to 18 – U14 and Up Tournament
- Players and goalies must be going into U14, U16 and U19 for the 2019-2020 season.
There is NO supervision of participants offered by NRS between or during games.
Participants will receive a jersey on the first day of the tournament. This jersey is to be used during the tournament, but will be returned to NRS at the end.
Game times will be sent out as the tournament approaches. The games will run throughout the day. There will be no supervision offered by NRS. If you have concerns about times please contact our office, 403-284-5161, or
TO REGISTER: click here and scroll down
3 on 3 Cancellation policy: cancellations prior to June 1, 2019 will forfeit a $50 deposit; cancellations after June 1, 2019 will not receive a refund, except for medical reasons. An official doctor’s certificate is required in such cases. Medical refunds will be issued in September 2019.