Introduction to Playing Ringette for Moms

August 2018

Mt Pleasant Arena | 610 23 Ave NW, Calgary, AB



  • Each Tuesday and Thursday in August, starting August 7th and ending August 23rd
  • COST: $99+taxes/participant

  • Open to moms with little to no previous ringette experience
    • If playing in the Open division and wanting competitive summer ice, visit: U19/Open League
  • 6 ice times
  • 5 developmental sessions, 1 fun scrimmage

Have you been so excited  watching your children play this great game that you want to try it too?  Well, here is your opportunity.  Four ice sessions each Tuesday throughout August.  We will lead you through some basic skating, passing and shooting for the first three sessions, followed by a scrimmage on the last session. Must be able to skate a bit and have a lot of heart.  

Throughout the sessions, you will learn:

  • Basic skating skills
  • Passing
  • Shooting
  • Checking
  • A better understanding of positioning and the rules of ringette

What to Bring:

  • Skates
  • Helmet
  • Gloves or mitts
  • Ringette stick
  • *Optional: additional ringette equipment if wanted

Each session will be 1 hour in duration, from 6:00pm – 7:00pm:

  • Week 1: Tuesday, August 7th and Thursday, August 9th
  • Week 2: Tuesday, August 14th and Thursday August 16th
  • Week 3: Tuesday, August 21st and Thursday, August 23rd


Register: click here

Got questions? Get answers!
Email [email protected] or call 403-284-5161

 We accept

Fees in Canadian dollars subject
to provincial and federal sales tax.


| Ages 6 & UAp