August 2018
U19/Open | Mt Pleasant Arena | 610 23 Ave NW, Calgary, AB
This league will run on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. We will run 4 teams of approximately 15 players and 1 goalie each.
Each game will be 1hr 15mins in duration. The first game will run 7:15pm – 8:30pm; the second game from 8:45pm – 10:00pm.
- The U19/Open August League is open to U19 and Open players. U19 players must have played U19 in 2017-2018 season to register.
- Registration will be on an individual basis. From there balanced teams will be formed.
- We are aiming to have 4 teams with approximately 15 skaters and 1 goalie per team.
- You and your team will play in either Game 1 (7:15pm-8:30pm) or Game 2 (8:45pm-10:00pm) on Tuesday and Thursday.
- Friendly substitutes: if you are going to be missing a game time you can call a friend (must be near equivalent to your skill level) to fill in.
- If you are unable to find a player to fill your spot for a missing game, please email [email protected] and we we will look to find a substitute for you.
- Share a position: you and a friend can share one spot. For example, if I knew I could only play Tuesdays and my friend could only play Thursdays, we can register for one spot. (One full registration fee must be paid by one party.) If you choose to register this way, please simply indicate your friend’s name and contact information in the “additional comments” section.
- To inquire about a group discount, please email the names of those in your group to [email protected]
- Week 1: Tuesday, Aug 7th and Thursday, Aug 9th
- Week 2: Tuesday, Aug 14th and Thursday, Aug 16th
- Week 3: Tuesday, Aug 21st and Thursday, Aug 23rd
Register now! Space is limited. Click here
We acceptGot questions? Get answers!
Email [email protected] or call 403-284-5161
Fees in Canadian dollars subject
to provincial and federal sales tax.